Friday, April 20, 2012

The main floor is painted- High 5!

I am super excited to show you my son's birthday party photos!  Turning 5 is a big deal you know.... but before that, I must show you the finished paint job.  I completed the entire first floor- it took a month but still, well worth it.  I love the color and it really makes all the projects I have done really pop.
The color is Light Pewter, Benjamin Moore. It changes with the light of course, so it is between a gray/green/copperish tan. Wonderful. So much better than the pinky beige from before!

One wall done in new Light Pewter against the nasty 'before' color!
Shown all done in new color!  Notice the blank spot above the kitchen...surprise coming!!
So, now the only section of the house that is not complete is the upstairs.  The entire downstairs is done. Whew.  It really is a relief because I picked away at it any hours I had available. Plus, it allows me to showcase some cool projects I have done, Including my 5, or what I will refer to as my High 5!
I saw this very cool '8' on Pinterest and determined it would be the perfect way to have my 5- because there are 5 Panchula's in this house baby!!
It was a piece of cake to say the least.  Of course, thanks in part to my Auction purchase of an overhead projector.  It started with a large piece of mdf, and some black paints. I coated it with Graphite chalk paint, because I wasn't sure if I was going to distress....Then i determined i needed another coat of Benjamin Moore black over the top, dry brushed.

 Then I had this small wood five that I love, and figured that would work on the projector!

I then traced out the five with a small paint brush and old white chalk paint.  Then filled it in with a sponge brush.  ( I missed a few pix, but voila below!!)

This was taken with my ipad, so not the best quality, but when you have 3 kids under 5 running around you, you try to get the shots as quick as you can! (disregard the disaster of a kitchen too...)

What do you think?  I love it.  My son was super excited because he was sure it was in regards to his birthday party :-) Now I have a subway print I am working on, and 2 other projects to start furniture)....yay!

Well, thats it for today, off to get the kiddies and head to the gym. Enjoy!


  1. My wife likes your "Light Pewter" wall color. Do you happen to still have the Benjamin Moore paint number for that color -- it's tough to find in the sea of choices. Thank you!

  2. Hello! The Benjamin Moore paint is called Light Pewter and the number is 1464. It is a warm gray in my opinion. I have loved this color on my walls--- another extremely popular color is Rever Pewter, number hc-172. It is more of a brown pewter color. Hope that helps!
