Monday, April 9, 2012

Try and try again!

Well, it has been too long. But for some reason in addition to all other things I've had going on, my pc stopped on me. It is now running again, but giving me major fits!! Including not allowing my blog dashboard to work. So in my spare time (ha! It even reads as funny as when I say it out loud) I have been trying to blog- but gave up and lost drafts. So this is being done on my iPad which does not allow for adding photos or allow paragraph spacing. So this will probably appear as one big chunk of text....I dunno, I guess I'm not that savvy! So what's been up? Well, fevers lasted off and on for 3 weeks. Still not sure we are out of the woods... In the meantime I have been painting and only have one main wall left which I intend to finish tonight. Then this weekend is the boys 5th birthday- reptile themed, with an actual Reptile guy coming. So I will photograph that and show all the coolness later. So, hoping that I am back! Haven't even been on Pinterest in weeks it's been so nuts!!!! Plus then I think of more projects and get completely overwhelmed. I am working on my upcoming list of topics, and think its about to get fun up in here! Will post some Easter pix soon, talk about the house plans, show you the repainting project, etc. given I can get my pc to work.... Technology owns us by the way. Have a super Monday!

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