Monday, April 16, 2012

This too shall pass...and it is! I see the light-

I started off with this blog and Etsy store idea when the new year started and I was refreshed and wrapping up the holidays...then it seems like February and March bit me right in the rear. Fevers, sickness, family health, schedule changes with the husbands new business, complete meltdown of my pc and backups ( which is why this has no paragraphs- done on my ipad) and just all out chaos seemed to ensue. Then we joined the gym, and I personally have been feeling more motivated and challenged again- if I could only get a full nights sleep. Amidst all that, my 5 year old is starting his kindergarten round up, and we had his 5th birthday party to plan. It was a pretty good one too if I do say so myself. It was this past saturday, so yesterday I felt like things would improve- everyone is feeling better, the birthday was a wild success, and Monday could be a fresh start...but I have a stomachs virus that is causing a lot of trips to the powder room. I sometimes wonder when it will be normal. Then I realize, this is pretty much my "normal". Granted, when everyone is sick, it is 10 times worse, but in general my definition of normal needs to be rewritten. I am thinking of starting my own dictionary: the Panchula 5 edition. Hmmm, something to consider- maybe a new definition for you all every Monday. I will work on that. Anyway, no matter what the chaos, I love it. I loved watching my 5 year old in awe at his party, I loved my friends and family being together, I love watching the twins run around and be involved. I love that my husband did all the food, booze and yardwork prep. I love my life- no matter how insane it makes me- and I wanna share it with you all, and I want more followers, and I want to be motivated to do more work- that is what's want. That is why it's tie to get back on the T-Train (choo choo!) and make sure that these last few months, they do not deter me. They motivate me. And I will appreciate every moment, good or bad. Until tomorrow folks!!

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