Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome to my chaos....Please remember I'm a work in progress!

Hello there! I'm super fired up to be starting this blog- hopefully you care to read it as much as I want to write it. What's my specialty you ask? "what is this blog about, Tonya?!"....well, it really is about my life and how I attempt creatively to deal with it, and actually even enjoy it, as much as fully possible. I will share projects, stories, ideas on raising boys, thoughts on constantly living on a budget, and probably more.
I've had a lot of changes over the last 5 years of my life- a successful start to a business that eventually folded due to economy and other factors, 3 boys who are...oh let's say "busy", including twins (oh, you wanted 1 more? Surprise!!!), a complete change in the husbands career, and a move to the opposite side of the state. Add in various other challenges, and Ta-Da! I'm now here. Starting a blog to remain sane, and possibly help you feel like there is someone out there dealing with the same things.
As I attempt to write this my boys are running around screaming with their shirts over their heads, dinner is half charred, the dog is barking and my husband who is working nights, is still sleeping.
Welcome. I hope you have a sense of humor, because I do...I have to. I want to share with you, probably over a glass (or so) of Riesling. I hope you follow me, share in my dreams and my reality, and become part of my journey through chaos ;-)

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