Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Addiction- "My name is Tonya, and I am a Craigslist-aholic"

So what a weekend!  We had our friends the Dennison's in town, and had such a good time, as usual. We had some sick kids, and were in by 11 pm, but those are the best kind of friends.  One's that you can just hang with and roll with the punches no matter what happens.
The rest of my Sunday was spent on Craigslist.  I had found a kitchen table I wanted, so I decided to sell mine!  Of course, I didn't get the table- even though I literally told the guy on the phone that I would pay more than his asking price if the other lookers wanted to bicker price.   This is when I realized I have a bit of a problem. My husband is scared, and I am a bit scared too.  I am constantly looking for something- to refinish, for me, or for whatever!
Well, the good news is, once I figure out this blogging and photo attaching, I can start showing some projects.  Right now I am having some issues with typing.  I type and it takes 5 minutes for the text to appear.  Makes this tricky :-@
Here is a little practice- my "before" table from Goodwill for $36, and the "after" with chalk paint base and Benjamin Moore black top. Stay tuned-a lot of future projects are in the works!  As well as past projects I will be posting.

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