Sunday, May 13, 2012

My babies birthday right by mommas day...Oh the journey so far!

Happy Mothers Day!
On this day, I have to reflect back on the birth of my twins. This week my twin boys turned 2. I remember the 24 hours leading up to, and delivering, of those babies, because I had wanted it to be that Sunday, Mothers Day. Well, the next day I delivered my 7 lb healthy bundles of joy. 14 minutes apart. Delivery went pretty great, staff was awesome at Beaumont as usual.
Two babies. Sometimes it is still surreal that I grew. 2 beautiful healthy baby boys all at God's will. He knew what he was doing. 6 years prior you would have heard me contemplating having 1. After having Zane I realized how much love I could feel and give and decided it was time for number 2. Realize this is a planned thing for me. Being a Type 1 diabetic means lots of prep to even consider trying to conceive. My A1c has to be at a certain level, which with Zane took about 3-4 months of diligent focus. Add on having a 1 year old and running a business, and this time it took a bit longer. However my husband and I were very blessed that with both pregnancies we didn't have to try long at all.
I remember after I took the home test and got the positive, I scheduled an appt with my Maternal Fetal Medicine team immediately. I always go in, pee in a cup, they go over my sugar numbers and I see them again the next week. So I figured they would clarify the positive test and I would be on my way. It was a Wednesday. My husband was out of towns til thursday evening. I was 6+ weeks along and had an ultrasound scheduled for 7 weeks (they start early with diabetics!). When they came in the room they said they wanted to do an ultrasound right then, and I worried that something was wrong. He then proceeded to say " uh huh- that's what I thought. So how many you think you got in there?". Twins. Seriously. I think I said something that involved a swear word. Then I laughed, then I started to cry, then laughed hysterically again. The nurse consoled me. I wasn't going to see my husband for about 36 hours. 36 hours of holding that in. I cried and laughed the entire drive home.

After that the next shocking period was finding out the sexes. I didnt do that with Zane and I wouldn't have with this pregnancy either had it been only one. But 2? What if it was 2 girls? We had nothing planned, and I still couldn't identify my feelings. I had to know- I had to be closer to these babies. 2 boys? I'm sorry, are you sure? For those of you that knew me in college I said if I ever had a boy, I would only have one cause they are loud and I would have 3. My husband reminded me that I am a boys mom. Girls scare me a bit, and I'm not into frills. So this shock also passed.
At 35 weeks I was absolutely beside myself.  Hadn't slept in about 5 weeks, and when I did, it was in a chair. I could not lay down. I had my usual Wednesday appt that 2nd week of May.  From that Wednesday, until Sunday May 9th, which was Mothers Day, I gained 14 lbs of water weight.  I had no ankles, I had no knees, I could not wear shoes (only 1 pair of stretched out flip flops) and had a blue 'tent' dress I wore with no underwear.  Nothing fit.
I finally talked them into inducing early with no Amnio. I had 2 gorgeous babes, no C-section, and 14 minutes apart. 
To this day I am still in shock.  I look at them, one blonde curly haired Bull Moose who is scared of NOTHING, and one brunette softy whose tall and gangly and cries at the drop of a pin- and I cannot believe I was so blessed. 
So this mothers day, I thank God for giving me my 3 boys.  I thank my mom for raising me tough enough to handle it, and I thank all the other moms out there for their continued efforts....because until you are a mom, you will never understand.
God Bless you all!!

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