Thursday, May 3, 2012

Party like we are 4 going on 5! Reptile style...

So it is way past his birthday, and we are now prepping for the twin's second birthday...however theres will just be family, some presents and some cake.  Zane's was special.  It was all his, and exactly what he wanted.  I mean, what can you expect when you are turning 5??  This is a big one, right?
Well, he actually is a laid back kid when it comes to that stuff..."What you do you want for your birthday Zane?" "Whatever, toys, you know."
But when I asked what kind of party, it went right to snakes and lizards and turtles.  I remembered a friend on facebook talking about her sons Reptile party, and remembered he was here in the GR area. So I called.
Rick the Reptile Guy.  He is vague in communication, says "Dude" ALOT, and just really isn't into details when you are talking about the planning aspect. However, when it came to entertaining, this is your man!  He loves his reptiles...and did an awesome job :-)
I did some decorating, balloons, banners, gift bags ( all which I believe I forgot to take photos of, as I was partaking in wine incase of snakes- I told Zane if he got scared I would hold it...), and I also did a snake cake, and had fun letting him pick his invites, thank you's, gift bag labels (not shown) etc. (courtesy of

This was the beginning process of the cake....cannot believe I didn't get a finished shot.  Frosted in green with m & m can envision it, can't you?!  Ha.  Mother of the year, and blogger of the year award.  Anyway, found the recipe for snake cake on
2 bundt cakes cut and frosted together.  SO easy.

So there was food, presents, and then the main show.  Snakes, lizards, tortoise (that you could ride!), alligator, Iguana, and then the Boa.

Rick The Reptile guy from Boulder Park in Alto, MI

Riding the Tortoise!

All the kids holding the 8 ft long Boa...

Zane, Loving it!  Had no fear at all.

Mommy on the other hand.....

Ah, good- I did have enough wine beforehand....

What a Party it was!  Even the grandfolks got in on the action.  This is how I know my mother loves my kids- she wouldn't even look at a snake without screaming when I was little...

Gramma Erickson and Grampa Panchula

Well, thats about all I've got for this one.  What a fun time, and a great idea for my biggest baby boy.  He was so happy.

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