Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My vintage finds...and the projects they have prompted!

I know. Right now I am literally out of project sheets I have so many going...and unfinished. So I thought, of course I should add more!!
A couple weekends ago I went to see my girl Carrie and she took me to Marshall Michigan. Cute town! We went to see a store called Jill's Addiction. You can find her page on Facebook. She basically buys stuff she likes and resells it. I found a couple vintage/retro finds that I had to have. They of course have prompted the next project....and a room swap in our house (which has been coming). You see, when we moved in here we figured we would give our oldest the big room- he deserves it, it will help him adjust, yada yada. well, now I'm realizing that we have to fit 2 beds in the smaller room with twins (eventually). Plus, my son does not seem to like his room- no matter how many times I have redone it, changed lights, etc etc.
Soooo, I found a couple things at the store that gave me an idea for his new room. I saw a lava lamp, and thought "what a perfect nightlight! So cool, relaxing, and fun to watch. I didn't buy it there cause she wasn't sure it worked, but then I found a brand new one still in box on Craigslist- for $5. Score.

Then I found this camera, which technically serves no purpose, but gives me some ideas...I then asked my mom if she had any; well of course she did!  And an old viewer. Im going to take some photos of Zane in his superhero costumes and hang them around the shelf.

Then as I was checking out, found this book. Which is just awesome. It literally is about everything "boy". How to make a paper airplane, info about the war, guns, artillery, information about reptiles, animals, science projects, you name it. Perfect.

So that was the start to my idea: retro superhero type room. Gonna do the "bam" "zap" "pow" on his walls. Take photos of him in superhero masks and "retro-fy" them to hang on wall. Lava lamp for ambience, and I hope to do his dresser front in comic book pages. Stay tuned for all that.

The next purchase was this clock from west Germany.
I love red. Period. But something else appealed to me so I had to see it off the shelf. Well, once I wound it up, I was sold. Tick tock was AMAZE-ing. Like on 60 minutes intro. Even my husband loves it. "can we keep that in our room?". Well, not my intention but you never know. Anyway it has somehow inspired another living room project. I won't go into detail yet, I will just show you when it's done. Anyway, fun time! I never get to go to those types of stores anymore. Too many kids. So I loved it. Well, today I have to update all those project sheets, and I printed off about 1/2 dozen more. Lord help me. I hope to show some finished stuff soon, for crying out loud! Til next time.

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