Thursday, February 16, 2012

3 tips: home remedies and such, that you may just love

Well, today I have 3 tips for you- but first I have a tip for my newly blogging self! Don't say what is going to be on your blog next unless it is already DONE!  My wood poster is taking some time as the hubby has to cut my mount and has not been around much due to work.  So, that is all I have to say about that!

Todays tips- better coffee, better tables & better tummies

Tip No. 1 - This is one that I discovered, may or may not be new.  For those coffee drinkers out there who like cinnamon in their java, I got tired of sprinkling it in and it not mixing.  So one day I just added it to my grounds- fantastic!  Everyone who comes over for coffee loves it, even when I am just using Meijer brand. I add a couple scoops, add some cinnamon, the rest of the scoops, add more cinnamon to the top.

Tip No. 2 - This one my mom taught me.  If you have nice wood tables, I am sure you have had the issue of someone putting a beverage on it without a coaster.  Then you get those nice sweat rings...As soon as you see one, just take some mayonnaise and spread a medium layer on the ring.  Let it set awhile (I have even forgotten mine overnight because it turns opaque) then wipe it off.  Again, Voila!  Ring is gone.  So far, this has always worked for me.

Tip No. 3 - This is another that my mom taught me, and is somewhat on a personal note. Have you ever had those pains in your stomache so bad you are basically doubled over?  ummm...Gas pains technically?  or serious indigestion that hits quick and hard? 
Solution: Take some warm/hot water, about 4 oz, and add a heaping tsp of baking soda to it.  Stir and drink fast (not the best tasting stuff, but you can charge through it!).  This may be followed by a series of burps, but in no time you will feel like a million! (and you will amuse your children).  Trust me, I have used this one several times, and its never failed.

Those are my tips for today! Hope at least one of these are new to you and you get a chance to try them out! 

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