Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 table reveals! Woo hoo

So I am super fired up! Tomorrow at the crack of dawn my sister and I get on the train to Chicago for the weekend, to meet our cousin we never see. It started months back as a "we should take a trip" and meet for my sisters birthday. She's had a rough few years now battling ovarian cancer, so she wants todo something fun...and I don't know that she and I have ever actually taken a trip together without the folks...crazy! So needless to say I have been trying to wrap up some things (including laundry- mine is always last) before I go...and I am super duper excited to say, I finished 2 tables to reveal before I go! Both of these tables got a makeover, one I am especially in LUV with, I would marry it for crying out loud. The second I wasn't so sure about, but now that it's done, I luv it too! So happy.
Anywhoo, they will both be up for sale on my Etsy site once it launches (which I am shooting for end of next week!).
First up- the coffee table. I saw this baby and fell in love. The potential was great- I mean it was beautiful without anything on it!

Then I decided I wanted it to follow a vintage feel but have some color. I chalk painted the legs in a red, border in a graphite, but the left the top raw because it had a sweet pattern. However, added some more interest with some stenciling. Distress distress... Then I dark waxed the entire thing, and finished the top off with another 2 coats of clear Annie sloan wax, to hold up to the elements!

Did I mention I love this??! Photos don't do it justice- I need some photography lessons ASAP....

Next up, a step up end table. Didn't get quite enough photos of process, but you'll get the jist of it. black, modern smooth finish, but it needed something more. I love modern no 20 font, so I decided to follow the theme but use "2", as in one person on each side sipping coffee, or wine- either is a fave!

Once I got that on, I wanted to do a design...well, I followed the crowd and used a Chevron- not typical of me but I felt it fit the piece. I created a stencil using a printout ( reference) and then cut the chevrons.
Then i took the stencil and traced it with pencil, followed the pencil line with painters tape (frog tape is THE BEST btw) and then painted.

 Did 2 lines of it and felt that was good. I used old white chalk paint, distressed a bit, and then dark and clear waxed them to give them a beige feel to match the vinyl, but also give a textured finish, a bit like linen... So thats that!

Thoughts? Comments? Comments would be good here....hopefully not cyber crickets ;-) Now I feel good about heading out for a weekend, not listening to children scream, whine,cry, bite each other, throw food, fall off furniture...I could go on and on. I will try to do one update on the road, but you may not hear from me until Monday. Enjoy the weekend folks! I know I will!!

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