Sunday, June 3, 2012

Try, and try again...and again. I'm not a quitter.

So I am realizing (have already realized) that this Blog and Etsy store is not going as I thought it would. I got so fired up about getting creative again, and sharing, that I didn't think about the fact that I have 3 kids....that are constantly going to change.  So although it was getting easier, and Zane was in school, and I had a bit more time on my hands, I didn't anticipate that another change of events was on the horizon.  The fact is, the twins are getting older- yes, they are able to play together better, occupy each other etc...but they also are hitting the 2's. Also, Zane is now done with preschool for the summer. So even less time to do projects. 
I never thought I would have a hard time getting stuff done- and I don't!  Once I set my mind to it, I can get it done..but if there isnt time to do it, well that is where the problem lies.
So, I have to come up with a solution.  Its what I do- I find solutions, and I plan.  Sometimes too much, which is where another problem lies. 
I have come up with a plan that I believe I can live with.  I will blog twice a week for sure.  Anything above that is icing on the cake so to speak. Believe it or not, blogging takes time.  Especially focusing on projects where you have to do before, after etc.  I bet the longer I do it, the easier it will get, but right now, it still takes time. Especially when trying to do it while 3 kids are screaming, biting, and playing with anything that is NOT a toy.
As for my Etsy store- that is much trickier.  Much more time consuming, and currently seems almost impossible.  So, what I will be doing is getting a sitter once a week for multiple hours, and also organizing 2 other evenings where I have "project" time.
I do not expect in any way that this will work out perfectly or as I see fit...but its a start!  And mentally I need this. I need a plan.  I also need to understand that life happens.  I need to appreciate that there are times I will push aside these types of things to spend quality moments with my kids.  I want to learn to stay patient when they are stopping me from completing a project. I want to stop- breathe- sit down with my kids and give them the moment they need. 
This is my plan, these are my wants and needs.  Because a year from now, when my oldest is in school every day, and the twins are playing together and I am doing more work, I will be sad.  Even though I will be doing what I want, I will be sad at the same time because they are growing up.  And things are changing.
So, I will try, and try again.  I'm not a quitter.  Not with my family, and not with myself.

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