Monday, February 6, 2012

New week, fresh start!

So it is going to take some practice keeping up with a Blog, starting this Etsy store, and having 3 kids at home. Especially when other things get thrown into the mix.
My parents left for Florida Tuesday, and by Friday morning I got the call he was in the hospital. He has COPD, as well as battling constant sickness and Multiple Myeloma Cancer. He is a tough guy but it has been difficult with them being there, and us here waiting for updates. I got the word today from my mother that he is doing much better. Time will tell and if need be, there may be a trip to Florida!
So, I'm realizing yet again, I need to stay busy to remain sane. So this weekend we were in project mode. Trying to finish my office space and get my store products under way.
I bought some cabinets off Craigslist ( big surprise!) and did some revising if you will. A little graphite chalk paint and some distressing/waxing, and we are blending the new wall in with other furnishings.

Remember, this is in progress! I still have to paint walls, put the trim on the countertop and shelving, and get a sweet chair. Hope to show all finished very soon....and get to some working!
Wish I would have gotten a before shot of the bare wall with only a computer armoire...I'm learning!

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