Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A short and sweet one for today...carpe...something!

Wow, I finally feel normal again. The sickness is almost gone, the kids haven't had fevers for 3 days, and I finally am back at the gym. Parenting can really sap you.
I also got to do a lot of cuddling, and hugging and I stopped myself from worrying about what I wasn't doing, and worried about my babies. Ironically a friend of mine passed on a link the last couple days that kinda sums it all up. I have personally shared this one before on Facebook- but for those of you who haven't read it, I am posting it here. If you are a parent, read! Even if you aren't, its worth a look.
I love the woman who wrote this, whomever she is. From The Huffington Post:


Enjoy and have a super day.

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