Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back from Chi-town baby!

Wow!  Sorry for the long delay, but I am back from Chicago, and (somewhat) able to function.  As I sit and type, the twins scream back and forth hitting each other with toys and my 4 year old continues to race cars across the kitchen counter yelling "watch me, watch the race, mom, watch, mom, we are waiting for you to watch, mom..." and on and on.

It was a nice break though!  We had so much fun.  We relaxed, we ate, we drank, we relaxed some more, we shopped, we laughed until we almost peed our pants.  Ok, well there may have been a little of that too, but I digress.
We shopped Michigan Ave for just a bit, and I was totally inspired by one store there- It's called All Saints and if you haven't seen this place, it is awesome.  Vintage, industrial, gor-GEOUS. The clothes are super pricey, but great to touch and feel, however the actual store itself is the draw.  When you walk up the entire front of the building is old singer sewing machines (and probably other brands, didnt look closely because I was in awe). When you enter, they literally are shelved up to the ceiling on wood, with this great white washed brick everywhere.

Inside, you find all types of industrial equipment, raw wood, crating, printing presses etc that are used as the display, and even jewelry made from nuts and bolts (trust me, lots of inspiration and lots of ideas going through my noggin!).  Even just photographing the way the clothes were laid out made for a beautiful shot.

So anyway, just awesome if you are going that way and want to see the amazing thought (and $$) that went into this place.

Then, we visited Lush.  Which I now do not have close access to; the only 2 Lush stores in Michigan are on the East side of the state. Anyway, this was in the Old Town district, around some other cute boutiques etc. This happens to be one of my cousins favorite stores and one of her music students works there now, so we surprised her. I am not sure how long we were there, but these girls were so fun, we tried just about everything they have!  Loved it. Bought me some goodies even! (Considered quite a splurge for me).

All natural stuff- and it smells and feels heavenly.  If you have never been, and live near or have access to one of these stores, you should try it! www.lushusa.com
We then proceeded to go get massages, which we were all extremely happy with.  Of course every time I get one (not often!) I think how great it would be if that could be a monthly thing.  I think it is so good for the body and mind.  Really, I am sure I could do without some other things to equal one a month??  Time to look at the budget.

Now, I'm back.  I'm detoxing, totaling up the money spent (oy!) but don't even care.  It was well worth it.
Ever come back from a weekend away though, and instead of being relaxed, you are even more uptight with life in general?  The reality of it? Well, I'm going to save that for tomorrow's post.  Maybe my perspective will improve more with another day.... ;-)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2 table reveals! Woo hoo

So I am super fired up! Tomorrow at the crack of dawn my sister and I get on the train to Chicago for the weekend, to meet our cousin we never see. It started months back as a "we should take a trip" and meet for my sisters birthday. She's had a rough few years now battling ovarian cancer, so she wants todo something fun...and I don't know that she and I have ever actually taken a trip together without the folks...crazy! So needless to say I have been trying to wrap up some things (including laundry- mine is always last) before I go...and I am super duper excited to say, I finished 2 tables to reveal before I go! Both of these tables got a makeover, one I am especially in LUV with, I would marry it for crying out loud. The second I wasn't so sure about, but now that it's done, I luv it too! So happy.
Anywhoo, they will both be up for sale on my Etsy site once it launches (which I am shooting for end of next week!).
First up- the coffee table. I saw this baby and fell in love. The potential was great- I mean it was beautiful without anything on it!

Then I decided I wanted it to follow a vintage feel but have some color. I chalk painted the legs in a red, border in a graphite, but the left the top raw because it had a sweet pattern. However, added some more interest with some stenciling. Distress distress... Then I dark waxed the entire thing, and finished the top off with another 2 coats of clear Annie sloan wax, to hold up to the elements!

Did I mention I love this??! Photos don't do it justice- I need some photography lessons ASAP....

Next up, a step up end table. Didn't get quite enough photos of process, but you'll get the jist of it. black, modern smooth finish, but it needed something more. I love modern no 20 font, so I decided to follow the theme but use "2", as in one person on each side sipping coffee, or wine- either is a fave!

Once I got that on, I wanted to do a design...well, I followed the crowd and used a Chevron- not typical of me but I felt it fit the piece. I created a stencil using a printout ( reference) and then cut the chevrons.
Then i took the stencil and traced it with pencil, followed the pencil line with painters tape (frog tape is THE BEST btw) and then painted.

 Did 2 lines of it and felt that was good. I used old white chalk paint, distressed a bit, and then dark and clear waxed them to give them a beige feel to match the vinyl, but also give a textured finish, a bit like linen... So thats that!

Thoughts? Comments? Comments would be good here....hopefully not cyber crickets ;-) Now I feel good about heading out for a weekend, not listening to children scream, whine,cry, bite each other, throw food, fall off furniture...I could go on and on. I will try to do one update on the road, but you may not hear from me until Monday. Enjoy the weekend folks! I know I will!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Key to happiness? I have so many keys on my chain I'm not sure which goes to what anymore...

Happy day folks! I think....I'm trying to make it that way anyway.
Being a SAHM is not what I expected to be doing- thus this blog, my need to be creative, etc etc.  Before having twins, I worked. I worked for the 'man', for corporate, and even for myself!  However, working 'for' kids, well it is the most challenging.  I know, I am summing up that "Parenting is the hardest job you will ever have" but I have to admit, not for the reasons I thought. 
Yes, I run all day- ALL DAY.  Constantly catching kids, pulling them out of harms way, picking up stuff, doing laundry (and the pile always remains the same size??), changing diapers, trying to teach life lessons (sometimes at a very loud level) and trying to keep them safe.  What I did not bargain for, was the constant worry.  Worry about their safely, worry about what they are learning from those around them, worrying they may end up like me, worrying that I am parenting wrong. 
I keep coming back to the same conclusion.  It's me.  I am my own worst enemy, always have been. I expect perfection, I like control, and I am short on patience. Wow, I sound AWESOME don't I??  Ha. Anyway, I don't want to live this life, where I am constantly feeling like I am failing. When one thinks this way, they spiral.  They spiral into a deep hole, and the deeper they spiral the harder it is to get out.

So, I try often, to reign myself in.  This is one of those times.  I have decided that I worry so much about what I am doing wrong, and how it's effecting my kids, that I try harder and then get very discouraged.  Well, what about me??  Why am I not trying harder for me? Thats where it all starts right? This negativity is not helping me, or anyone around me.
If mom ain't happy, nobody's happy.
So, why do we as moms and women neglect ourselves?  For those of you that don't, that have learned this lesson already, please PLEASE share some secrets with me. I on the other hand neglect myself until I have to pull myself out of that deep dark hole....

My BFF Carrie sent me an article that I am going to follow- and I'm also going to add a few additional points of my own. Very simple points, that im sure you've heard before, but sometimes we need reminding. So here is the jist of it:

1) Start thinking of the good things in life.
I look at 3 of those things everyday!  They are the 3 things that drive me mad!  However, sometimes I just need to step back, and breath. Be happy they are healthy, and love me,  and thank the Lord.
I'm going to make a list of 3 things every day, and pin them on my fridge. (I have a daily chart for other things, I can just add this to it! )

2) Use the words "can" and "will" more often. 
This is a big one for me- my son Zane is constantly saying "I can't ..." and my husband just wants to cry.  Well, guess who it comes from?  Without a doubt, its me.  I don't want to pass this along to my sons. So I will stop.  The author says to use the rubber band method- put rubber bands on your wrist and snap yourself each time you use them. Eventually you will want to avoid these words (ie the pain). I guess its worth a shot!! I certainly hear myself say it enough and want to smack myself anyway...

3) Think more about benefits and gains.
This one is not one Ive used much before, and it will also take practice...consistently weigh each action and choice in the light of gains and benefits. If they are huge, or significant enough, go for it.  You will soon find the strength to be the best you can be.  I assume this relates to something like my need to go back to being in my own personal business.  If  the benefits and gains are worth it, I will move forward.

Those are his 3 methods. www.ezinearticles.com, author Daniel J. Thorley.

Now, I plan to add some goals/points to this, relating personally to me. This requires realizing what types of things will help me, in short term and long term.  They could be anything, the possibilities are endless so choose with gusto!

First (and foremost for me):  I am a true believer in exercise and how it effects you mentally, so I am creating my own workout space in our basement that will motivate me!  Quotes, photos, a speaker system incase I wanna take off the headphones, things like that. Exercise helps me feel better mentally and physically and no matter how many times I fall off the wagon, I WILL get back on.  For the betterment of myself and my children.

Second: I am going to forgive.  I have a few things in my life that weigh me down, and make me feel bad. Guilt about failing myself, relationships gone bad; I am going to get rid of those feelings once and for all. I realize that it may take time, but I gotta take the first step right?

Third: show the respect I wish to receive.  I have not been supportive of some of my husbands ventures while I sit at home and lose my mind, but he has always supported and respected me no matter what.  I believe respect is one of the most important things you can give and get in life.

There!  I already feel better!!! Isn't that crazy?? So, I will keep you updated on how this all goes- why don't you tell me your secrets to success as well? I mean, we are in this together right? :-)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Wood Poster completion

Wow- time flies when your having fun. We did so much over the weekend that I'm shocked it's Monday! That included a trip to Java Gym in Grand Rapids- the kids had a ball!  If you live in the area, check it out: www.javagymgr.com
Over the weekend I made a big decision to move my kids playroom and create my painting/project room. They seem fine with it- they tend to have toys everywhere outside that room anyway, so I'm creating the play area out in the main section of the basement instead. So now I can go from office to paint room within a few steps and watch the kiddies the entire time. Very excited about this part. Now I can create smaller projects right in the comfort of my home, not freezing my butt off in the garage. Summer may be different, but for now I'm fired up!
My first completed in-house project is my "wood poster". I love it- not sure it is a true fit in my house at this time, but the concept is awesome. Made with pieces of authentic barnwood, I first took the saw to a few ends, to get them all to approximately the same width. Then I scrubbed the pieces (they were outside at my folks house), and if you want them to lighten a bit just scrub them with some bleach water.

Next up was lining up the pieces how I liked, and picking my phrases. Then I started the stenciling.

Once I got them all done, I distressed a touch with some sandpaper, and then had the husband mount the pieces onto mdf, adding a picture hanger.  You can also just lean the wood poster on a shelf, mantle or dresser, but I made mine extra large, so it was super heavy.  For the sake of the children, it hangs for now :-)
So here is the final product:

I think it turned out well!  I am sure I will create a few of these for the Etsy store too.
What do you think???

Hope you love it, and it makes your Monday even more inspired!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

3 tips: home remedies and such, that you may just love

Well, today I have 3 tips for you- but first I have a tip for my newly blogging self! Don't say what is going to be on your blog next unless it is already DONE!  My wood poster is taking some time as the hubby has to cut my mount and has not been around much due to work.  So, that is all I have to say about that!

Todays tips- better coffee, better tables & better tummies

Tip No. 1 - This is one that I discovered, may or may not be new.  For those coffee drinkers out there who like cinnamon in their java, I got tired of sprinkling it in and it not mixing.  So one day I just added it to my grounds- fantastic!  Everyone who comes over for coffee loves it, even when I am just using Meijer brand. I add a couple scoops, add some cinnamon, the rest of the scoops, add more cinnamon to the top.

Tip No. 2 - This one my mom taught me.  If you have nice wood tables, I am sure you have had the issue of someone putting a beverage on it without a coaster.  Then you get those nice sweat rings...As soon as you see one, just take some mayonnaise and spread a medium layer on the ring.  Let it set awhile (I have even forgotten mine overnight because it turns opaque) then wipe it off.  Again, Voila!  Ring is gone.  So far, this has always worked for me.

Tip No. 3 - This is another that my mom taught me, and is somewhat on a personal note. Have you ever had those pains in your stomache so bad you are basically doubled over?  ummm...Gas pains technically?  or serious indigestion that hits quick and hard? 
Solution: Take some warm/hot water, about 4 oz, and add a heaping tsp of baking soda to it.  Stir and drink fast (not the best tasting stuff, but you can charge through it!).  This may be followed by a series of burps, but in no time you will feel like a million! (and you will amuse your children).  Trust me, I have used this one several times, and its never failed.

Those are my tips for today! Hope at least one of these are new to you and you get a chance to try them out! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

DIY cleaners- all purpose, laundry wash and laundry softener

Happy Valentines Day!

Since my big plans for Valentines day will be cleaning, let's check out this DIY cleaning stuff.
I am cheap. It's true. I love to spend less on....anything! One thing I despise is spending it on laundry detergent now that I have 3 boys! I go through it like water.
So I've seen these creative ideas on other blogs and decided to try it myself.
I am fairly impressed. I'm not easily impressed when it comes to cleaning stuff.
So, I gotta share the feedback and recipes.

*First up was an all-purpose cleaner. I found lots of recipes, but one appealed to me the most, so I tweaked it. You can thank Www.bigboxdetox.com for the basis of this recipe. It works super for general wiping down, toilets, counters, doors, and....even mirrors! Yes, even our mirrors and glass. Although I still love my good old vinegar and h2o for that. )
Heres what you need:

- 1 tsp of liquid dish soap
- 1/2 tsp of baking soda
- 2 tbspmof white vinegar
- 2 cups of water
- a touch of tea tree oil (added this myself as an anti, so just added what I felt worked!)

Voila- put it in a large spray bottle and I was off to work!

*Next up, laundry detergent. Not so easy for me- I prefer liquid form but next time around may go dry. The "liquid" recipes I found were all over the map, and mine came out like thick pea soup. Doubled my water and will double my amount per load, but here's basics. Again my basis for the recipe was found all over the net, but I narrowed it down to this:

- 1 bar of Fels Naptha (Meijers, like less than $2)
- 1 cup of Arm & Hammer super washing soda (Meijers, under $4)
- 1/2 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax (again, Meijers, under $5 I believe)
- 4 cups of water (if liquid version)

For liquid version: You will need a 5 gallon bucket, this makes enough for like 200 loads....

Grate Fels Naptha with a cheese grater- the finer the better, especially if your leaving this dry version.
Mix Fels Naptha and all ingredients together. If using dry version, that's it! Put it in container and use 1/8 to 1/4 cup, depending on machine. HE machines require less.

For liquid, use the 4 cups of water and heat that with Fels Naptha over stove til dissolved. Add into 2.5 to 3 gallons of water and rest of mixture. (my husband loved this! He did all the mixing)

Mix, voila! Use 1/4 cup per load.
Keep it in the bucket if you have the room, or buy a smaller container.

Here's where it gets tricky- mine got so thick I'm stirring it often. Also have no room for a 5 gallon pail,sitting out. So I take and 1/2 water, 1/2 solution in a jug and mix. Works better and I use 1/2 cup per load. Takes practice and tweaking, but I have so much laundry soap now, I seriously think it will last months!

*Next up, I figured I would try the fabric softener too- since I read so many versions using vinegar which gets out odors and cleans better. SO EASY! Thanks Www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com.
What you need:
- 3 cups of water
- 1.5 cups of vinegar
- 1 cup of hair conditioner (obviously you can pick your scent)

Mix em. That's it. Use what you would regularly use in your wash....
OR get crazy like I did, and use the sponge method. Cut up some regular sponges(like in half) and put the pieces in the mixture. Every time you put a load in the dryer, ring out a sponge to damp and throw it in like a softener sheet. Love it.

Whew. I'm tired. Realize I missed some pix, but still learning people! You can figure it out I'm sure! ;-)

That's it for today. Next up- my wood poster and coffee table redo. Yay!

Monday, February 13, 2012

What is your definition of done?

I am working on a few projects this week- cant wait to share them! I am so close to done, but need today to finish up all the info.

Coming this week:
-DIY cleaning supplies....I have done 3 different cleaners and am excited to give recipes etc.
Laundry detergent, fabric softener, and all purpose cleaner. So far results are looking good!

-I also finished up my "wood poster", just gotta mount and show the photos!

-I'm also finishing up a coffee table that is going to be, um, interesting hopefully- and beautiful.

In the meantime on this fine Monday, after a hell week last week, I want to reconsider my need for "perfection". I found this on a blog from Pinterest, and love it in some odd demented way.
Read it yourself- it may or may not apply for you, but it sure does to me!

found on brepettis.com

Ok, off to work I go- tending to 3 boys, trying to clean, and trying to be as productive as I can be and learn to be satisfied with what I DO get accomplished. Happy Monday folks!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Seriously?! That's what I say to the gal that I see In the wine glass reflection.

So I had every intention, again, of doing various projects today...then as the boys were playing this morning, my youngest twin ran right into the corner of the wall, and all mayhem ensued. I let them run after each other- mostly because I become awful tired of constantly yelling at 3 young boys. My husband on the other hand (who isn't home as often) proceeded to tell the boys not to run the house- while I explained to him that I let them, we heard the THUD and saw the youngest bounce off the corner of the wall.
I panicked, because thats what I do- I freak out. I am not the picture of calm, no matter how much I'd like to be. Can you really learn "calm and patience"? I ask myself this at least once a day. If you have the answer, Share it!!!!! Instead, I tend to drink wine.
Anyway, he needed stitches we believed, so I texted my neighbors to see if they could come, and thank the lord they arrived quickly. It took 3 of us- my husband, myself and the nurse- to hold him still while he got stitched. Otherwise Tag was the picture of toughness. This kid is crazy strong and a total ramrod. Daredevil doesn't sum it up- so this does not surprise me, nor do I think it is the last of our "episodes". However, that does not make this easier. This week really sucked. There is no other way to put it- father in the hospital all week (in another state!) eldest with a fever for 4 days under quarantine, husband unable to help for a day or 2, due to his procedure (snip, snip) and then today the urgent care visit for stitches. This and a nightly episode of nightmares.
I am currently drinking large amounts of wine, I cannot lie. I am stressed, exhausted, frustrated and....more... All at once. However, I am thankful all my kids are ok, my husband is ok, my father is ok, and I have the ability to move on from all this. Also, I did find time to start a few projects. You know, to keep my sanity! So you can look forward to those on Monday. Homemade cleaning products, and an awesome wood poster. Say tuned. Oh, and hug and kiss your kids.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, already? This parenting thing can really bite.

Well, 4th day of fever and quarantine- finally took the eldest to the pediatrician this morning for an antibiotic as the snot came on fast, and out of every possibly spot. Yeah, TMI... but once your a parent, nothing is really off limits. He was up all night with fever, shakes, he was a little out of his mind and so cranky I can barely keep my patience.
So, this has put yet another hold on a couple projects. I hope to work on them this weekend, and do a reveal, ASAP. I am doing a "wood poster" and also doing a paint job on a couple pieces I got recently, one being an Amazing coffee table...
On that note, I also acquired a couple items on the online auction yesterday. Some stools, and a really cool cabinet. All which will be shown here and up for sale on Etsy soon.
Happy Friday! Until next time-

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sickness, faux mercury glass, & other projects mixed in...

So my week has basically been spent tending to my sick child and attempting to keep him quarantined from the twins. I was so motivated on Monday, but by 2 am Tuesday morning, that all changed with a fever of 102. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent running between my gated off bedroom and the twins in the living room. Today he still has a fever and now I am getting sick...again.

Our linen cabinet in our bedroom!
Not sure what's up with this Michigan weather but I have been sick more days than not since October. Since December 18th I can count on one hand how many nights I have slept "through" between getting up for 3 kids and myself. I am getting tired of it all. So yesterday of course I was frustrated with not being able to get any work done and decided to update a few vases laying around.
One I thought needed to add some color. I'm not in love with the final result persay, but it works for now.
I taped it off quickly, and unevenly, and painted some stripes which I then stenciled numbers on. 5, since that is the magic number in this house :-) Forgive me, these photos all taken with iphone, so not the clearest...and this was way up on our cabinet.

Then I had 2 other vases that I love, that were a smoked glass look, but the color had chipped off the outsides and I needed to cover that up somehow. I attempted the "faux mercury glass" look.
You spray water onto the vase til it just forms drops (not so much that the water runs- easier said than done) then you take Looking Glass spray paint (the kind that makes a mirror finish) and spray over the water droplets. Personally I like the running a bit. Also I believe this would work much better on a textured type vase. Either way, it's done, and they are kinda cool

So that is how I deal- I create something. Sometimes in haste and not sure I like the end result, but at least I attempted it! Like I said, I am a doer. Have to be doing something!
Today I will be watching various items in an online auction; check it out yourself if you never have : www.1800lastbid.com
Repocast is the local auction here in grand rapids, and although I've never purchased (I am cheap, or frugal if you want the nicer version) I do love to dream.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New week, fresh start!

So it is going to take some practice keeping up with a Blog, starting this Etsy store, and having 3 kids at home. Especially when other things get thrown into the mix.
My parents left for Florida Tuesday, and by Friday morning I got the call he was in the hospital. He has COPD, as well as battling constant sickness and Multiple Myeloma Cancer. He is a tough guy but it has been difficult with them being there, and us here waiting for updates. I got the word today from my mother that he is doing much better. Time will tell and if need be, there may be a trip to Florida!
So, I'm realizing yet again, I need to stay busy to remain sane. So this weekend we were in project mode. Trying to finish my office space and get my store products under way.
I bought some cabinets off Craigslist ( big surprise!) and did some revising if you will. A little graphite chalk paint and some distressing/waxing, and we are blending the new wall in with other furnishings.

Remember, this is in progress! I still have to paint walls, put the trim on the countertop and shelving, and get a sweet chair. Hope to show all finished very soon....and get to some working!
Wish I would have gotten a before shot of the bare wall with only a computer armoire...I'm learning!