Saturday, February 11, 2012

Seriously?! That's what I say to the gal that I see In the wine glass reflection.

So I had every intention, again, of doing various projects today...then as the boys were playing this morning, my youngest twin ran right into the corner of the wall, and all mayhem ensued. I let them run after each other- mostly because I become awful tired of constantly yelling at 3 young boys. My husband on the other hand (who isn't home as often) proceeded to tell the boys not to run the house- while I explained to him that I let them, we heard the THUD and saw the youngest bounce off the corner of the wall.
I panicked, because thats what I do- I freak out. I am not the picture of calm, no matter how much I'd like to be. Can you really learn "calm and patience"? I ask myself this at least once a day. If you have the answer, Share it!!!!! Instead, I tend to drink wine.
Anyway, he needed stitches we believed, so I texted my neighbors to see if they could come, and thank the lord they arrived quickly. It took 3 of us- my husband, myself and the nurse- to hold him still while he got stitched. Otherwise Tag was the picture of toughness. This kid is crazy strong and a total ramrod. Daredevil doesn't sum it up- so this does not surprise me, nor do I think it is the last of our "episodes". However, that does not make this easier. This week really sucked. There is no other way to put it- father in the hospital all week (in another state!) eldest with a fever for 4 days under quarantine, husband unable to help for a day or 2, due to his procedure (snip, snip) and then today the urgent care visit for stitches. This and a nightly episode of nightmares.
I am currently drinking large amounts of wine, I cannot lie. I am stressed, exhausted, frustrated and....more... All at once. However, I am thankful all my kids are ok, my husband is ok, my father is ok, and I have the ability to move on from all this. Also, I did find time to start a few projects. You know, to keep my sanity! So you can look forward to those on Monday. Homemade cleaning products, and an awesome wood poster. Say tuned. Oh, and hug and kiss your kids.

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