Thursday, March 22, 2012

sick sick, go away- come again...well, just don't.

So I don't think its good for a blogger to not blog....just sayin'.  But this last week has been a bit rough when it comes to time and focus.  This time all 3 boys got sick- some viral syndrome which basically totes a steady fever, for possibly up to 2 weeks.  Oh gads. Well Everett got it last Friday, so that cancelled our St. Pats plans, then by Monday night they all had it. Fevers, Tag threw up, and all have coughs and snot.  By Tuesday evening I had it.  Lots of staying in the house, treating the fever.  Just when it goes away...BAM, someone elses' goes back up.
So needless to say, not a lot of time on my hands and when I do have it, we all try to rest.

However, you know me.  I cannot and will not sit still and stand by while precious time is ticking. 

So I started the painting of the house.  YES!  I got the entire kitchen and hall done, and it wasn't that bad!! I did this because my husband stayed home with me on Tuesday to help with kiddies, so I jumped at the chance.  Now I have slowed up again and will start when he gets back for the weekend. I LOVE (luv luv) the color and how it totally brightens up the place!  Cannot wait to get it up on the big walls!
The only thing I dread about painting, is taping.  Taping and I do not love each other.  As a matter of fact, if someone came to me and said "I need you to paint my 3000 sq ft house, but don't worry, I will do the taping" I would say sure!  But if someone came to be and said I need you to paint my 900 sq ft home and tape all the windows/cabinets/etc, I may say bite it.
This is why I did the kitchen first.  I dread all the doors, cabinets, windows....ugh.
Anyway, I think my goal of having this all done by my son's birthday is definitely doable.
The paint color is Benjamin Moore "Light Pewter". (of course I had Behr paint matched, because with needing a 5 gallon pail, BM is a bit over my budget!! and I am always happy with Home Depots Behr paint).
I love this color cause it is brighter, but not white- it is more of a gray, but when the sun hits it you can see a warm brown/pewter look to it.  It will work so well with all the other pieces I have been doing.

See all the lovely green Frogtape?
 It was the only 'green' I saw on St. Pats
Light Pewter from Benjamin Moore

Speaking of pieces, I cant wait to show you my latest, but wanna get it on the wall first.  It's AWESOME- let's just say it got a 'high 5!' and was so super duper easy to do now that I have my new overhead projector that I got at the auction...I sure do love my auction.

Anywhoo, I will try to keep back on the radar and keep you updated on all the projects inbetween the snotty noses. ;-)

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