Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday- your improving :-)

Well, as I sit here, I drink my first glass of wine today, and it isn't quite 4 pm.  I give up!  Don't get me wrong, I have been having a great day, I just realize that from here on out I will get nothing project wise accomplished until the hubby gets home.  I am ok with that- because I started my week off right.
This morning I went to the gym locally that we are looking at joining. We are trying a one week pass, just to see how the kiddies do, etc.
I took all 3 boys, got there around 9:15 and proceeded to the workout area after extensive coverage of all things "Kids".  They seemed fine- my 4 year old took his coat off and put it in the cubby before I could even say hello.
So I then went to the cardio section, and oh my!  How long has it been Ive been working out at home?  I mean, we have a nice treadmill, and a gym style elliptical, but I didn't realize how many other 'gadgets' were out there.  There was definitely one bonus: while at home I always think I should be watching my ipad with some videos- to motivate (hot bods, tight abs, you know the drill).  Well, these new fangled machines got all that!!!
I have to say, I really enjoyed myself.  I have lots to relearn as to what to take to the gym; how to be 'gym ready' if you will: water bottle, padlock, glucose just incase!.  Yes, I workout, but I am lucky if I get a 1/2 hour in most times, so I wasn't prepared to work out for an hour +. I started to panic at how my glucose may drop and I had no sugar or money for juice....visions of me wobbling to the front desk explaining my low started to sink in my head.  Next time I will be more prepared!
Yes, next time.  Because I need it, because this is one of my selfish acts I keep talking about.  Honestly though, its not so selfish. My kids get to play- ALOT. Outside of the home.  With other kids.  You get the drift.  My only fear in that area was PLEASE don't let them bite someone, or punch a kid, or check their own diaper like Everett seems to do, often to find quite the mess upon his hands. Literally.
The worst of that was when I got in there and said it was time to go, my 4 year old announced "I gotta poop!". Great.  Thanks for that info, and thanks for sharing.

Anyway, it went well.  I am very optimistic even though it is going to put a dent in the budget.  However, I also hope to start selling some product to cover such things. 

On another note, I got my paint yesterday for the house.  I am giddy with anticipation and cranky with realization...hmm. * pause. drink.*
It is going to be a long project- I would estimate it will take weeks with an hour here, an hour there.  My goal is to have it done by my sons birthday party, April 14th. BTW, I got some super cute invites done (no, I had no inkling to try and do them myself, you must be nuts. Yes, I understand this was my previous life.  Had no interest in revisiting at this time).  Just to advertise, because Nancy was so accomodating and made custom changes at no charge, here is her website:

Anyway, back to the painting.  I am ready!!!!  I love love love the color, and I think it is going to make all my other decor POP. I also purchased product for 2 other projects....I know you are holding your breath....well.... don't.  I have 3 boys, who knows how long these could take to complete.  You will surely pass out.

So happy Monday- I hope you are treating yourself well, and being creative in your own way.  Trust me, it will help your sanity. XO

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