Thursday, March 15, 2012

A day in the life with Taggert...

Well, it seems I can never get anything done.  I know that is wrong, because everyone tells me.  Especially my husband.  However, I do not get them done in the fashion or quickness that I would prefer.  So all of the 'projects' I am listing, is kinda making me sad. Because with 3 boys at home I can barely get the typical stuff done.  Any of you who know my kids understand what I mean....for those of you that don't, when I say they are 'active' I mean business.  Most people say "oh, yes mine too- they are constantly on the go, playing, never stop...." etc. 
Well, I don't feel your pain.  I am going to be that mom right now, and say you have no idea what I face. (I know a few do, but still...) I have switched out 3 kitchen tables, various chairs, moved lamps, taken down doors (yes) and curtains, in hopes to have less chasing and cleaning up to do. My son Zane is active- and needs or wants lots of attention.  Everett is the one that cries and whines the most, but Taggert...oh Tag. I knew when you were in my womb that it was going to be difficult.  I knew which one you were by the way you punched and kicked and literally pushed your brother into one spot and kept him there, and I knew that when you came out, it was going to be a challenge.  Well, I was right. You immediately had terrible reflux and we put you on meds. You had bronchomylasia so you coughed non stop- for the first 5 months you slept on my chest, or in a bouncer, or on a 50 degree angle reflux pillow which you were strapped into in your crib.  Nothing lasted more than a month or so, and we were on to the next solution that would 'work' for you, or contain you.
Thank the Lord, that all got considerably better at 6 months, and we had no long term illnesses, which I find to be a blessing these days, especially with twins.  I brought these guys home immediately, weighing over 7 lbs a piece, 4 weeks early! Doesn't get better than that.

I was also blessed that Everett is a polar opposite of Taggert.  He is calm, very slow moving when trying new things, and slept through the night at 7 weeks.  It was like he knew his brother was going to need the attention those first 6 months. Oh what a blessing.  Cause Tag does require some attention....

Flash forward, they are 22 months old now.  I am constantly trying to maintain my home.  The phrase "I can't have anything nice with you kids" truly makes sense now.

Like I said, I've changed furniture (tables and chairs not stable enough, rungs broken, lamps broken, couches are ripped) and I can honestly say most of it is due to Tag. Ev of course follows along more and more these days. To get on the couch, Tag would knock down a kitchen chair, drag it over, and climb on it to jump over the back. Seriously, at 18 months.  He will now walk through a room, reach up and pull off anything he can- glasses of water, wine, remotes, food bowls.  He's fast. Super fast.

Today I came out to find them both eating plums.  How you may ask?  He has found a way to climb up the dishwasher...hmm.

 We've already had the first fall down the stairs, the bitten tongue, and the head stitches.
Likes to wear any shoes laying out...
bloody and smiling on the way to ER, with a pink Paci I grabbed hastily.

I've gotten ridden of at least 3 trash cans, purchasing plastic, with locks, cause he loves to tip it over in the kitchen, dump out the contents and run with his favorite piece of trash...

Dont worry!  It was empty!!

Dances on tables, but i'm sure that is genetic. This was at 15 months old.

This is the bench (that we have to put on top of the table after each meal, because he climbs on it), that he was caught getting on. He literally stood on it and jumped. I caught this much before running...You can see the chair over to the left that he tipped, and managed to get on the table with. Brother followed. This was after raiding the closet for hats, etc. obviously.

As I type this post, he is jumping from the footstool over to the TV stand, laughing. I have stopped at least 10 times now to pull him off.   As I approach, he jumps, expecting I will catch him.  Fearless and crazy. And touching daddys TV.  That in itself is courageous...

There you go, a day in the life with Tag.  Gotta run cause he is now jumping off the coffee table onto the stuffed bear about 10 ft away.

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