Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally, we measure up! My DIY Measuring Chart

So I have seen tons of these Measuring chart boards on Pinterest and various blogs.  None that I thought quite worked with our decor. However I wanted one badly, because we were missing our precious opportunities to measure these boys....I had done all of Zanes measurements on our laundry room door in our old house, and of course didn't take the door with us.  Now if, IF, we ever moved, this puppy can travel.

My girlfriend Amy sent me a blog with one similar to what I created- I loved the really distressed look, but the modern color of the wood.  So I did a variation.

First I stained it a darker stain. Of course I missed a few photos in the process. Did you expect any less???  The ones I did get are in my dark dungeon of a craft room....ha.
Then I took chalk paint (my homemade version!) and I taped off the segments by feet.  I started the 1 ft mark 6 inches up the board, because whatever wall we were going to mount it to, I know it would need to mount 6 inches up due to floor board etc.

So I taped at the 6 inch mark, then a foot up each time. 
Once that was completed I stenciled on the numbers.

Then I took a hand sander and heavily sanded the entire thing, followed by 2 coats of clear semi gloss poly.  Voila!

We were going to put it up at the top of the stairs by the boys rooms, but my husband liked it so much he wanted it as part of our decor!  Now each measurement we will use a sharpie to mark it, date it and label to whom.

I have so many cool ideas for these, I think I might put some customizable ones on my Etsy store as well.  Will let you know when I do that.

Hope it inspires you to keep track of your growing babes.  It happens so fast. My boy who just turned 5 in April just measured in at 4 ft.  Oh my.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

buffet makeover- using chalk paints, Annie Sloan & homemade

So I had a dresser in our living room, trying to use it for diapers, toys, etc.  However the drawers need serious fixing, and the kids were wreaking havoc on it.  So it is now in our bedroom....and I have a new idea for it, but that will come later.

I went on Craigslist (of course) and bought a buffet for like $70.  It is Per-fect!  Holds diapers, blankets, toys- so much neater in our living area now!  The basement...well that is another story :-)
It is a heavy piece, and was dark brown.  Yet again, I seem to have not taken a good before picture.  I am not sure I will ever get better at that part! I have some 'in progress' though. Anyway, you can see the darker wood that it was.  I love yellow, it is one of my faves, and the dresser that was in there got so many compliments I decided to keep the same color. I did however, clear wax the entirety and only use the dark on some spots, whereas the dresser was done in all dark wax.

I did however decide to add some 'trim'.  I was out of white chalk paint though, so I finally got a chance to try out the homemade chalk paint.  It was super easy:

1 cup of flat paint in your choice of color
1 Tbsp of unsanded grout

Thats it!  And it works!  However, I have yet to find a way to store this effectively.  It basically dries up and turns into a brick.  So if you are doing a smaller job, just 1/2 your items (ie 1/2 cup of paint, 1/2 Tbsp of grout, etc).

So here is my final piece.  Loving it.  Hope you do too!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Try, and try again...and again. I'm not a quitter.

So I am realizing (have already realized) that this Blog and Etsy store is not going as I thought it would. I got so fired up about getting creative again, and sharing, that I didn't think about the fact that I have 3 kids....that are constantly going to change.  So although it was getting easier, and Zane was in school, and I had a bit more time on my hands, I didn't anticipate that another change of events was on the horizon.  The fact is, the twins are getting older- yes, they are able to play together better, occupy each other etc...but they also are hitting the 2's. Also, Zane is now done with preschool for the summer. So even less time to do projects. 
I never thought I would have a hard time getting stuff done- and I don't!  Once I set my mind to it, I can get it done..but if there isnt time to do it, well that is where the problem lies.
So, I have to come up with a solution.  Its what I do- I find solutions, and I plan.  Sometimes too much, which is where another problem lies. 
I have come up with a plan that I believe I can live with.  I will blog twice a week for sure.  Anything above that is icing on the cake so to speak. Believe it or not, blogging takes time.  Especially focusing on projects where you have to do before, after etc.  I bet the longer I do it, the easier it will get, but right now, it still takes time. Especially when trying to do it while 3 kids are screaming, biting, and playing with anything that is NOT a toy.
As for my Etsy store- that is much trickier.  Much more time consuming, and currently seems almost impossible.  So, what I will be doing is getting a sitter once a week for multiple hours, and also organizing 2 other evenings where I have "project" time.
I do not expect in any way that this will work out perfectly or as I see fit...but its a start!  And mentally I need this. I need a plan.  I also need to understand that life happens.  I need to appreciate that there are times I will push aside these types of things to spend quality moments with my kids.  I want to learn to stay patient when they are stopping me from completing a project. I want to stop- breathe- sit down with my kids and give them the moment they need. 
This is my plan, these are my wants and needs.  Because a year from now, when my oldest is in school every day, and the twins are playing together and I am doing more work, I will be sad.  Even though I will be doing what I want, I will be sad at the same time because they are growing up.  And things are changing.
So, I will try, and try again.  I'm not a quitter.  Not with my family, and not with myself.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My vintage finds...and the projects they have prompted!

I know. Right now I am literally out of project sheets I have so many going...and unfinished. So I thought, of course I should add more!!
A couple weekends ago I went to see my girl Carrie and she took me to Marshall Michigan. Cute town! We went to see a store called Jill's Addiction. You can find her page on Facebook. She basically buys stuff she likes and resells it. I found a couple vintage/retro finds that I had to have. They of course have prompted the next project....and a room swap in our house (which has been coming). You see, when we moved in here we figured we would give our oldest the big room- he deserves it, it will help him adjust, yada yada. well, now I'm realizing that we have to fit 2 beds in the smaller room with twins (eventually). Plus, my son does not seem to like his room- no matter how many times I have redone it, changed lights, etc etc.
Soooo, I found a couple things at the store that gave me an idea for his new room. I saw a lava lamp, and thought "what a perfect nightlight! So cool, relaxing, and fun to watch. I didn't buy it there cause she wasn't sure it worked, but then I found a brand new one still in box on Craigslist- for $5. Score.

Then I found this camera, which technically serves no purpose, but gives me some ideas...I then asked my mom if she had any; well of course she did!  And an old viewer. Im going to take some photos of Zane in his superhero costumes and hang them around the shelf.

Then as I was checking out, found this book. Which is just awesome. It literally is about everything "boy". How to make a paper airplane, info about the war, guns, artillery, information about reptiles, animals, science projects, you name it. Perfect.

So that was the start to my idea: retro superhero type room. Gonna do the "bam" "zap" "pow" on his walls. Take photos of him in superhero masks and "retro-fy" them to hang on wall. Lava lamp for ambience, and I hope to do his dresser front in comic book pages. Stay tuned for all that.

The next purchase was this clock from west Germany.
I love red. Period. But something else appealed to me so I had to see it off the shelf. Well, once I wound it up, I was sold. Tick tock was AMAZE-ing. Like on 60 minutes intro. Even my husband loves it. "can we keep that in our room?". Well, not my intention but you never know. Anyway it has somehow inspired another living room project. I won't go into detail yet, I will just show you when it's done. Anyway, fun time! I never get to go to those types of stores anymore. Too many kids. So I loved it. Well, today I have to update all those project sheets, and I printed off about 1/2 dozen more. Lord help me. I hope to show some finished stuff soon, for crying out loud! Til next time.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My babies birthday right by mommas day...Oh the journey so far!

Happy Mothers Day!
On this day, I have to reflect back on the birth of my twins. This week my twin boys turned 2. I remember the 24 hours leading up to, and delivering, of those babies, because I had wanted it to be that Sunday, Mothers Day. Well, the next day I delivered my 7 lb healthy bundles of joy. 14 minutes apart. Delivery went pretty great, staff was awesome at Beaumont as usual.
Two babies. Sometimes it is still surreal that I grew. 2 beautiful healthy baby boys all at God's will. He knew what he was doing. 6 years prior you would have heard me contemplating having 1. After having Zane I realized how much love I could feel and give and decided it was time for number 2. Realize this is a planned thing for me. Being a Type 1 diabetic means lots of prep to even consider trying to conceive. My A1c has to be at a certain level, which with Zane took about 3-4 months of diligent focus. Add on having a 1 year old and running a business, and this time it took a bit longer. However my husband and I were very blessed that with both pregnancies we didn't have to try long at all.
I remember after I took the home test and got the positive, I scheduled an appt with my Maternal Fetal Medicine team immediately. I always go in, pee in a cup, they go over my sugar numbers and I see them again the next week. So I figured they would clarify the positive test and I would be on my way. It was a Wednesday. My husband was out of towns til thursday evening. I was 6+ weeks along and had an ultrasound scheduled for 7 weeks (they start early with diabetics!). When they came in the room they said they wanted to do an ultrasound right then, and I worried that something was wrong. He then proceeded to say " uh huh- that's what I thought. So how many you think you got in there?". Twins. Seriously. I think I said something that involved a swear word. Then I laughed, then I started to cry, then laughed hysterically again. The nurse consoled me. I wasn't going to see my husband for about 36 hours. 36 hours of holding that in. I cried and laughed the entire drive home.

After that the next shocking period was finding out the sexes. I didnt do that with Zane and I wouldn't have with this pregnancy either had it been only one. But 2? What if it was 2 girls? We had nothing planned, and I still couldn't identify my feelings. I had to know- I had to be closer to these babies. 2 boys? I'm sorry, are you sure? For those of you that knew me in college I said if I ever had a boy, I would only have one cause they are loud and I would have 3. My husband reminded me that I am a boys mom. Girls scare me a bit, and I'm not into frills. So this shock also passed.
At 35 weeks I was absolutely beside myself.  Hadn't slept in about 5 weeks, and when I did, it was in a chair. I could not lay down. I had my usual Wednesday appt that 2nd week of May.  From that Wednesday, until Sunday May 9th, which was Mothers Day, I gained 14 lbs of water weight.  I had no ankles, I had no knees, I could not wear shoes (only 1 pair of stretched out flip flops) and had a blue 'tent' dress I wore with no underwear.  Nothing fit.
I finally talked them into inducing early with no Amnio. I had 2 gorgeous babes, no C-section, and 14 minutes apart. 
To this day I am still in shock.  I look at them, one blonde curly haired Bull Moose who is scared of NOTHING, and one brunette softy whose tall and gangly and cries at the drop of a pin- and I cannot believe I was so blessed. 
So this mothers day, I thank God for giving me my 3 boys.  I thank my mom for raising me tough enough to handle it, and I thank all the other moms out there for their continued efforts....because until you are a mom, you will never understand.
God Bless you all!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Party like we are 4 going on 5! Reptile style...

So it is way past his birthday, and we are now prepping for the twin's second birthday...however theres will just be family, some presents and some cake.  Zane's was special.  It was all his, and exactly what he wanted.  I mean, what can you expect when you are turning 5??  This is a big one, right?
Well, he actually is a laid back kid when it comes to that stuff..."What you do you want for your birthday Zane?" "Whatever, toys, you know."
But when I asked what kind of party, it went right to snakes and lizards and turtles.  I remembered a friend on facebook talking about her sons Reptile party, and remembered he was here in the GR area. So I called.
Rick the Reptile Guy.  He is vague in communication, says "Dude" ALOT, and just really isn't into details when you are talking about the planning aspect. However, when it came to entertaining, this is your man!  He loves his reptiles...and did an awesome job :-)
I did some decorating, balloons, banners, gift bags ( all which I believe I forgot to take photos of, as I was partaking in wine incase of snakes- I told Zane if he got scared I would hold it...), and I also did a snake cake, and had fun letting him pick his invites, thank you's, gift bag labels (not shown) etc. (courtesy of

This was the beginning process of the cake....cannot believe I didn't get a finished shot.  Frosted in green with m & m can envision it, can't you?!  Ha.  Mother of the year, and blogger of the year award.  Anyway, found the recipe for snake cake on
2 bundt cakes cut and frosted together.  SO easy.

So there was food, presents, and then the main show.  Snakes, lizards, tortoise (that you could ride!), alligator, Iguana, and then the Boa.

Rick The Reptile guy from Boulder Park in Alto, MI

Riding the Tortoise!

All the kids holding the 8 ft long Boa...

Zane, Loving it!  Had no fear at all.

Mommy on the other hand.....

Ah, good- I did have enough wine beforehand....

What a Party it was!  Even the grandfolks got in on the action.  This is how I know my mother loves my kids- she wouldn't even look at a snake without screaming when I was little...

Gramma Erickson and Grampa Panchula

Well, thats about all I've got for this one.  What a fun time, and a great idea for my biggest baby boy.  He was so happy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bright and cheery sunshine project!

I am having a heck of a time lately getting this blog thing to work for me- all kinds of hiccups between my ipad and my pc....So thanks for patience.
Anywhoo, I wanted to show you something that I did quite awhile back.  Now that the walls have been repainted this awesome light pewter, all my colorful projects are looking awesome.
This one in particular is a fave.  I saw it on a blog quite some time ago- so long ago I cannot even reference it...  However, I do know that this was originally a wood piece for sale somewhere on Etsy. I saw it and my 5 year old said " mommy you gotta get that!  You sing that song to us!" well of course I had to have it. The price tag was may more than I could stand, so I recreated it.
This one is done on canvas, with a poster mod podged to it. 
First I created the poster in Illustrator and had it printed to size at Office Max. ($35 because I used a silly pantone match color- ugh)
I then purchased the blank canvas at Hobby Lobby ($12 with coupon) and trimmed the poster down to a bleed to place on the canvas.

I then mod podged the entire canvas with a coat, and started from one end pushing the poster across and on, readjusting a bit as needed, but once you start, you are pretty much stuck, so beware!
I smoothed it out with a credit card but still kept getting bubbles, like the paper was too thin and was getting too wet.  I panicked but a friend said just wait and see what happens after it dries.

See the bubbles if you look close enough??
Once it dried, the bubbles were almost obsolete!  It was crazy.  There were a few areas with creases, but that added to the distressing. 
Next I took a sandpaper wedge and distressed the sides and letters a bit.  This was touch and go, and wasn't going as I expected, but turned out fine.  I should have probably done the distressing in Illustrator or photoshop, but Im not quite there with that yet :-)
I then applied 2 more layers of mod podge. (Every time it bubbled, oy the panic...)
Voila!  She was ready to hang.
This was on my yucky old color, and the yellow clashed making the walls look even more pink...
I love yellow- but every time I was using it, this house looked more salmon and 'pink'. Below is on the new pewter color.  L.O.V.E.

Seriously, look at those gorgeous boys too?  Doesn't hurt to have those babes hanging next to it :-)

HOPE YOU LIKE! I have so many colorful projects up my sleeve now: I have a measuring board for the boys, a dining room table and chairs, a buffet/cabinet I snagged of Craigslist, a subway art piece for upstairs, and more- so excited.  Even more excited to be able to share the upcoming projects with you all!  Happy Monday!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Why can't adults have tantrums?

So todau was a busy day. I went to bed last night thinking about ways to turn my attitude around. I came to the conclusion that not working for 'the man' should be a great thing. I can do whatever I want with my day, technically. So first thing was shopping for workout clothes. I never take all 3, or I should say rarely ever. I don't think I need to explain this to any moms that have more than 1 or 2.... But I figured how bad could it be? The twins do great shopping as they are strapped into a cart, and of course I take snacks. Now the newly declared 5 year old...well, he's good 1 on 1, but with distractions for mom, all is fair game. I spent most of my time saying "keep it at a level 2" cause he is one of the loudest children EVER. I also said a lot of "I asked you not to do that" when it came to the famous climbing in the racks of clothes. I would have to say though the best was "a mannequin needs its personal space too- do NOT touch it's privates". Yes, my son has a thing about boobs right now, seems that goes for non humans too. So embarrassing. Then he proceeded to find a poster of a blonde wearing workout clothes and yelling 'girl, how you doin?' while singing "I workout". So that trip was not great. Then on to the gym in the afternoon, where upon pickup I see him launching some items in the air, and then in the car I realize he has peed his pants. Ugh. Then this evening once dad was home, he mouths off and gets sent to his room. As I proceed upstairs to get babies pj's, I see my nice folded laundry load that were by the laundry room door, are now all over the hallway. GAME ON. I try the Love and logic "that's too bad. You will now have to refold all the laundry" which starts the screaming and the tantrum begins. Dad takes over to help Zane by showing him how and then he can do it himself. An hour later my boy is sweating, beat red, sobbing still and declaring how tired he is from all the laundry. Mind you it was 1 load. Once calm and done, states he's hungry and ready to play in the basement. Seriously?! Really?! This is normal? If an adult did that, they would put you on Prozac. Well, where are our tantrums? They have to be good for something? I mean he should sleep great. He was obviously relieved of any stress. He got it out of his system. Where's our tantrum? Is it in another form? I certainly enjoy a good workout, makes me feel better. I also enjoy loud Alanis Morisette- good stuff. But I think I may really enjoy a good tantrum of my own, cleanse the system, release the stress, help me move on. Actually I think I've had a tantrum before. Ok, a lot of tantrums. And now that I think about it, they just give me a headache, puffy eyes, and the need for too much wine. I think I will stick with a good cry. However, I think I will start to be more understanding of the tantrums. They are a way for little ones to cleanse without the friends to vent to, the wine to drink, or the food to binge on. They are pure. And I suppose they are necessary for us to learn to better control of ourselves for later years. At least that's the story I'm sticking with. Good night all.

The main floor is painted- High 5!

I am super excited to show you my son's birthday party photos!  Turning 5 is a big deal you know.... but before that, I must show you the finished paint job.  I completed the entire first floor- it took a month but still, well worth it.  I love the color and it really makes all the projects I have done really pop.
The color is Light Pewter, Benjamin Moore. It changes with the light of course, so it is between a gray/green/copperish tan. Wonderful. So much better than the pinky beige from before!

One wall done in new Light Pewter against the nasty 'before' color!
Shown all done in new color!  Notice the blank spot above the kitchen...surprise coming!!
So, now the only section of the house that is not complete is the upstairs.  The entire downstairs is done. Whew.  It really is a relief because I picked away at it any hours I had available. Plus, it allows me to showcase some cool projects I have done, Including my 5, or what I will refer to as my High 5!
I saw this very cool '8' on Pinterest and determined it would be the perfect way to have my 5- because there are 5 Panchula's in this house baby!!
It was a piece of cake to say the least.  Of course, thanks in part to my Auction purchase of an overhead projector.  It started with a large piece of mdf, and some black paints. I coated it with Graphite chalk paint, because I wasn't sure if I was going to distress....Then i determined i needed another coat of Benjamin Moore black over the top, dry brushed.

 Then I had this small wood five that I love, and figured that would work on the projector!

I then traced out the five with a small paint brush and old white chalk paint.  Then filled it in with a sponge brush.  ( I missed a few pix, but voila below!!)

This was taken with my ipad, so not the best quality, but when you have 3 kids under 5 running around you, you try to get the shots as quick as you can! (disregard the disaster of a kitchen too...)

What do you think?  I love it.  My son was super excited because he was sure it was in regards to his birthday party :-) Now I have a subway print I am working on, and 2 other projects to start furniture)....yay!

Well, thats it for today, off to get the kiddies and head to the gym. Enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2012

This too shall pass...and it is! I see the light-

I started off with this blog and Etsy store idea when the new year started and I was refreshed and wrapping up the holidays...then it seems like February and March bit me right in the rear. Fevers, sickness, family health, schedule changes with the husbands new business, complete meltdown of my pc and backups ( which is why this has no paragraphs- done on my ipad) and just all out chaos seemed to ensue. Then we joined the gym, and I personally have been feeling more motivated and challenged again- if I could only get a full nights sleep. Amidst all that, my 5 year old is starting his kindergarten round up, and we had his 5th birthday party to plan. It was a pretty good one too if I do say so myself. It was this past saturday, so yesterday I felt like things would improve- everyone is feeling better, the birthday was a wild success, and Monday could be a fresh start...but I have a stomachs virus that is causing a lot of trips to the powder room. I sometimes wonder when it will be normal. Then I realize, this is pretty much my "normal". Granted, when everyone is sick, it is 10 times worse, but in general my definition of normal needs to be rewritten. I am thinking of starting my own dictionary: the Panchula 5 edition. Hmmm, something to consider- maybe a new definition for you all every Monday. I will work on that. Anyway, no matter what the chaos, I love it. I loved watching my 5 year old in awe at his party, I loved my friends and family being together, I love watching the twins run around and be involved. I love that my husband did all the food, booze and yardwork prep. I love my life- no matter how insane it makes me- and I wanna share it with you all, and I want more followers, and I want to be motivated to do more work- that is what's want. That is why it's tie to get back on the T-Train (choo choo!) and make sure that these last few months, they do not deter me. They motivate me. And I will appreciate every moment, good or bad. Until tomorrow folks!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Try and try again!

Well, it has been too long. But for some reason in addition to all other things I've had going on, my pc stopped on me. It is now running again, but giving me major fits!! Including not allowing my blog dashboard to work. So in my spare time (ha! It even reads as funny as when I say it out loud) I have been trying to blog- but gave up and lost drafts. So this is being done on my iPad which does not allow for adding photos or allow paragraph spacing. So this will probably appear as one big chunk of text....I dunno, I guess I'm not that savvy! So what's been up? Well, fevers lasted off and on for 3 weeks. Still not sure we are out of the woods... In the meantime I have been painting and only have one main wall left which I intend to finish tonight. Then this weekend is the boys 5th birthday- reptile themed, with an actual Reptile guy coming. So I will photograph that and show all the coolness later. So, hoping that I am back! Haven't even been on Pinterest in weeks it's been so nuts!!!! Plus then I think of more projects and get completely overwhelmed. I am working on my upcoming list of topics, and think its about to get fun up in here! Will post some Easter pix soon, talk about the house plans, show you the repainting project, etc. given I can get my pc to work.... Technology owns us by the way. Have a super Monday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A short and sweet one for today...carpe...something!

Wow, I finally feel normal again. The sickness is almost gone, the kids haven't had fevers for 3 days, and I finally am back at the gym. Parenting can really sap you.
I also got to do a lot of cuddling, and hugging and I stopped myself from worrying about what I wasn't doing, and worried about my babies. Ironically a friend of mine passed on a link the last couple days that kinda sums it all up. I have personally shared this one before on Facebook- but for those of you who haven't read it, I am posting it here. If you are a parent, read! Even if you aren't, its worth a look.
I love the woman who wrote this, whomever she is. From The Huffington Post:

Enjoy and have a super day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

sick sick, go away- come again...well, just don't.

So I don't think its good for a blogger to not blog....just sayin'.  But this last week has been a bit rough when it comes to time and focus.  This time all 3 boys got sick- some viral syndrome which basically totes a steady fever, for possibly up to 2 weeks.  Oh gads. Well Everett got it last Friday, so that cancelled our St. Pats plans, then by Monday night they all had it. Fevers, Tag threw up, and all have coughs and snot.  By Tuesday evening I had it.  Lots of staying in the house, treating the fever.  Just when it goes away...BAM, someone elses' goes back up.
So needless to say, not a lot of time on my hands and when I do have it, we all try to rest.

However, you know me.  I cannot and will not sit still and stand by while precious time is ticking. 

So I started the painting of the house.  YES!  I got the entire kitchen and hall done, and it wasn't that bad!! I did this because my husband stayed home with me on Tuesday to help with kiddies, so I jumped at the chance.  Now I have slowed up again and will start when he gets back for the weekend. I LOVE (luv luv) the color and how it totally brightens up the place!  Cannot wait to get it up on the big walls!
The only thing I dread about painting, is taping.  Taping and I do not love each other.  As a matter of fact, if someone came to me and said "I need you to paint my 3000 sq ft house, but don't worry, I will do the taping" I would say sure!  But if someone came to be and said I need you to paint my 900 sq ft home and tape all the windows/cabinets/etc, I may say bite it.
This is why I did the kitchen first.  I dread all the doors, cabinets, windows....ugh.
Anyway, I think my goal of having this all done by my son's birthday is definitely doable.
The paint color is Benjamin Moore "Light Pewter". (of course I had Behr paint matched, because with needing a 5 gallon pail, BM is a bit over my budget!! and I am always happy with Home Depots Behr paint).
I love this color cause it is brighter, but not white- it is more of a gray, but when the sun hits it you can see a warm brown/pewter look to it.  It will work so well with all the other pieces I have been doing.

See all the lovely green Frogtape?
 It was the only 'green' I saw on St. Pats
Light Pewter from Benjamin Moore

Speaking of pieces, I cant wait to show you my latest, but wanna get it on the wall first.  It's AWESOME- let's just say it got a 'high 5!' and was so super duper easy to do now that I have my new overhead projector that I got at the auction...I sure do love my auction.

Anywhoo, I will try to keep back on the radar and keep you updated on all the projects inbetween the snotty noses. ;-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A day in the life with Taggert...

Well, it seems I can never get anything done.  I know that is wrong, because everyone tells me.  Especially my husband.  However, I do not get them done in the fashion or quickness that I would prefer.  So all of the 'projects' I am listing, is kinda making me sad. Because with 3 boys at home I can barely get the typical stuff done.  Any of you who know my kids understand what I mean....for those of you that don't, when I say they are 'active' I mean business.  Most people say "oh, yes mine too- they are constantly on the go, playing, never stop...." etc. 
Well, I don't feel your pain.  I am going to be that mom right now, and say you have no idea what I face. (I know a few do, but still...) I have switched out 3 kitchen tables, various chairs, moved lamps, taken down doors (yes) and curtains, in hopes to have less chasing and cleaning up to do. My son Zane is active- and needs or wants lots of attention.  Everett is the one that cries and whines the most, but Taggert...oh Tag. I knew when you were in my womb that it was going to be difficult.  I knew which one you were by the way you punched and kicked and literally pushed your brother into one spot and kept him there, and I knew that when you came out, it was going to be a challenge.  Well, I was right. You immediately had terrible reflux and we put you on meds. You had bronchomylasia so you coughed non stop- for the first 5 months you slept on my chest, or in a bouncer, or on a 50 degree angle reflux pillow which you were strapped into in your crib.  Nothing lasted more than a month or so, and we were on to the next solution that would 'work' for you, or contain you.
Thank the Lord, that all got considerably better at 6 months, and we had no long term illnesses, which I find to be a blessing these days, especially with twins.  I brought these guys home immediately, weighing over 7 lbs a piece, 4 weeks early! Doesn't get better than that.

I was also blessed that Everett is a polar opposite of Taggert.  He is calm, very slow moving when trying new things, and slept through the night at 7 weeks.  It was like he knew his brother was going to need the attention those first 6 months. Oh what a blessing.  Cause Tag does require some attention....

Flash forward, they are 22 months old now.  I am constantly trying to maintain my home.  The phrase "I can't have anything nice with you kids" truly makes sense now.

Like I said, I've changed furniture (tables and chairs not stable enough, rungs broken, lamps broken, couches are ripped) and I can honestly say most of it is due to Tag. Ev of course follows along more and more these days. To get on the couch, Tag would knock down a kitchen chair, drag it over, and climb on it to jump over the back. Seriously, at 18 months.  He will now walk through a room, reach up and pull off anything he can- glasses of water, wine, remotes, food bowls.  He's fast. Super fast.

Today I came out to find them both eating plums.  How you may ask?  He has found a way to climb up the dishwasher...hmm.

 We've already had the first fall down the stairs, the bitten tongue, and the head stitches.
Likes to wear any shoes laying out...
bloody and smiling on the way to ER, with a pink Paci I grabbed hastily.

I've gotten ridden of at least 3 trash cans, purchasing plastic, with locks, cause he loves to tip it over in the kitchen, dump out the contents and run with his favorite piece of trash...

Dont worry!  It was empty!!

Dances on tables, but i'm sure that is genetic. This was at 15 months old.

This is the bench (that we have to put on top of the table after each meal, because he climbs on it), that he was caught getting on. He literally stood on it and jumped. I caught this much before running...You can see the chair over to the left that he tipped, and managed to get on the table with. Brother followed. This was after raiding the closet for hats, etc. obviously.

As I type this post, he is jumping from the footstool over to the TV stand, laughing. I have stopped at least 10 times now to pull him off.   As I approach, he jumps, expecting I will catch him.  Fearless and crazy. And touching daddys TV.  That in itself is courageous...

There you go, a day in the life with Tag.  Gotta run cause he is now jumping off the coffee table onto the stuffed bear about 10 ft away.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday- your improving :-)

Well, as I sit here, I drink my first glass of wine today, and it isn't quite 4 pm.  I give up!  Don't get me wrong, I have been having a great day, I just realize that from here on out I will get nothing project wise accomplished until the hubby gets home.  I am ok with that- because I started my week off right.
This morning I went to the gym locally that we are looking at joining. We are trying a one week pass, just to see how the kiddies do, etc.
I took all 3 boys, got there around 9:15 and proceeded to the workout area after extensive coverage of all things "Kids".  They seemed fine- my 4 year old took his coat off and put it in the cubby before I could even say hello.
So I then went to the cardio section, and oh my!  How long has it been Ive been working out at home?  I mean, we have a nice treadmill, and a gym style elliptical, but I didn't realize how many other 'gadgets' were out there.  There was definitely one bonus: while at home I always think I should be watching my ipad with some videos- to motivate (hot bods, tight abs, you know the drill).  Well, these new fangled machines got all that!!!
I have to say, I really enjoyed myself.  I have lots to relearn as to what to take to the gym; how to be 'gym ready' if you will: water bottle, padlock, glucose just incase!.  Yes, I workout, but I am lucky if I get a 1/2 hour in most times, so I wasn't prepared to work out for an hour +. I started to panic at how my glucose may drop and I had no sugar or money for juice....visions of me wobbling to the front desk explaining my low started to sink in my head.  Next time I will be more prepared!
Yes, next time.  Because I need it, because this is one of my selfish acts I keep talking about.  Honestly though, its not so selfish. My kids get to play- ALOT. Outside of the home.  With other kids.  You get the drift.  My only fear in that area was PLEASE don't let them bite someone, or punch a kid, or check their own diaper like Everett seems to do, often to find quite the mess upon his hands. Literally.
The worst of that was when I got in there and said it was time to go, my 4 year old announced "I gotta poop!". Great.  Thanks for that info, and thanks for sharing.

Anyway, it went well.  I am very optimistic even though it is going to put a dent in the budget.  However, I also hope to start selling some product to cover such things. 

On another note, I got my paint yesterday for the house.  I am giddy with anticipation and cranky with realization...hmm. * pause. drink.*
It is going to be a long project- I would estimate it will take weeks with an hour here, an hour there.  My goal is to have it done by my sons birthday party, April 14th. BTW, I got some super cute invites done (no, I had no inkling to try and do them myself, you must be nuts. Yes, I understand this was my previous life.  Had no interest in revisiting at this time).  Just to advertise, because Nancy was so accomodating and made custom changes at no charge, here is her website:

Anyway, back to the painting.  I am ready!!!!  I love love love the color, and I think it is going to make all my other decor POP. I also purchased product for 2 other projects....I know you are holding your breath....well.... don't.  I have 3 boys, who knows how long these could take to complete.  You will surely pass out.

So happy Monday- I hope you are treating yourself well, and being creative in your own way.  Trust me, it will help your sanity. XO

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Some new Etsy product, now to launch the store...

Hello everyone!
This week is already getting away from me- I have (yet again) sick kids.  This time it's the twins.  Everett had a fever yesterday of 102, and we were up most of the night as well. Taggert hasn't gotten the fever, but instead covers everything with snot.  Nice. He sneezes, he wipes it across something...anything..sleeve, bedding, mommys leg.  You get the idea.
Anyway, yesterday I still tried to accomplish quite a few things, like running some errands, signing up for parent/teacher conferences (will fill you in on that i'm sure!), organizing my Pinterest boards, and I picked up some new pieces I created for the Etsy store.
I have tried to round it out to 'interesting home decor' which will consist of refurbished furniture, creative pieces from wood, and I also wanted to add something with a little modern edge.  This would be the graphic pieces.
I have 4 samples of wall hangings.  I will create various pieces, and then will offer them with 4 different options: beveled, standout, metal, and just poster print.  I am sure I will add wood to that eventually too, but starting here for now.  Hope you like them!

1) First is with a beveled edge.  Can be done in various sizes, and with silver or black bevel.
This is done in 8x8 with black beveled edge and regular finish.  I am trying to live these words :-)

2) This second one is done on metal, and in a luminescent finish.  Love these- this is also an 8x8- how cool would 3 coordinating be sitting on a wall shelf ??  You can also order any of these with  hanging hardware.

3) This third one is on a standout, which offers black or white edging. I believe I did this is an 10x13. I intend to do a 'silhouettes' line of different vintage stuff like this mic.

4) Last but not least, I did a basic print, which can be mounted or framed.  I did it in a linen photo finish, sized 11x14. I would love to see this extra large on a standout in white, but since this is a sample, I went lower key.  Plus prints will be offered without any mounting.

So, that is a start! I hope you like them.... I'm certainly having fun, just finding the challenge to be time.  I need to manage my projects better in some way, with 3 kids at home! Otherwise I flounder and take far too long to complete something.  I am coming up with a method, hopefully I can share some of the solutions with you all soon.

Happy Wednesday folks!